we've all got those people in our lives who give us the motivation to take another step toward our greater purpose (don't you love when someone just dives right in with a sentence like this?). the ones who, often passively by their mere essence, encourage us to go far and wide and long and deep. i've been blessed to be surrounded by such folk throughout my life. i suppose i seek out these ones, everywhere i go, knowing that the inspiration they offer is the special sauce on my life's mcJourney. it's a mysterious, cyclical wonder - i become inspired to birth something into the world, which in turn inspires another, and so on. pretty cool, eh?
just today i've been inspired by reading a new friend's blog, getting some coaching from my solo show director, and from Steve Jobs' wonder-full commencement speech at Stanford. they've all reminded me of who i am and what moves me forward. and that dancing with the rhythm in my own heart is what really matters. oh, and guess what? my rhythm will sync up with yours and hers and his and theirs and then we'll all be contributing to the big ol' grand drum circle. how lovely.
ten bucks says you've encountered someone today who makes you want to be a bigger, better you (if this is untrue for you, i'm just kidding about the ten bucks). go with it - it's all inside of you anyway, just waiting to come out. play with it so you can pay it forward...
stay hungry. stay foolish.
- genius quote of the day
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