Saturday, February 14, 2009


i'm a big fan of getting in a few zzzs in the afternoon time. i don't get to do it often, but have always loved to catch a few minutes to refresh and take care of that after-lunch slump. even when i worked in an office, i would drive to the park, lean my car seat way back, and doze off for half an hour. now i work with a toddler who has a mandatory nap time and occasionally we manage to syncronize our snoring.
for many years, i felt shame about my love of naps, because there's a lot of bunk in our culture that says nap equals lazy. we have to work, work, work, and many are even quite proud of their ability to function on a few hours of sleep a night. so sad. and so unhealthy. i've recently come to realize that naps are actually part of my unique human design (, contributing to my creativity and health. so now, rather than shame, i've started to feel longing for those places in the world where siestas are an integrated part of society. how great to get to close down shop for a couple of hours after lunch to go home and take a nap!
a few words from SARK on the value of nap-taking: "all at once, you sail away into a nap, where tangled nerves are untied, and where time stops. guilt and expectations are not welcome in napland. you can always find a reason not to take a nap. find more reasons to let naps take you!"

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I LOVE naps! I get a 15 minute nap a lot of afternoons. I thought about opening a "nap store" back in the free spending 90's. It would be a quiet place somewhere like a mall or an office building. You could "rent" the kind of pillow and blanket that you like and go into a nice, quiet room with a comfortable bed for a specified amount of time. I've heard that Asian countries already have these. My store would also give you the option of a "package" which would include a teddy bear type thing, a scent that is relaxing to you, specific lighting, etc. Of course, it might be important to have cameras in the rooms or something so people could feel comfortable that napping was all that went on during the previous hour. LOL!
Anyway, I think naps are AWESOME and I agree with you that they help with afternoon creativity.